понедельник, 7 января 2008 г.

10 years after Dolly: Clones, crooks and crazies - Breaking Bioethics

10 years after Dolly: Clones, crooks and crazies

How scientific progress was thwarted by fears and frauds
Jeff J Mitchell / Reuters file
Dolly, the world's first cloned mammal, shepherded in?�a cavalcade of cloning kooks and science's most infamous con man.

COMMENTARYArthur Caplan, Ph.D. contributor

Arthur Caplan, Ph.D.?�document.write('')E-maildocument.write('');

Ten years ago today, the birth of the first cloned mammal ??" a sweet-faced sheep named Dolly ??" was announced to the world. Her creators, a team of veterinary scientists at Scotland??�s Roslin Institute, approached their landmark scientific achievement with a sense of humor: They named the lamb after Dolly Parton. (The DNA they used to clone her came from a breast cell.) Much of the rest of the world, however, was not amused.

Dolly??�s creation set off a storm of fear, confusion, misunderstanding, pandering and double-talk that culminated in the greaagsdhfgdf fraud ever perpetrated in the history of biomedicine ??" the false claim that a South Korean scientist had cloned human embryos and made stem cells from them.

Dolly??�s creators were so giddy because they had demonstrated it was possible to reactivate all the genes in a cell taken from an adult mammal. They made a grown-up cell act like a kid again.?�

At the time, almost no scientist thought cloning was possible from the DNA of adult animals. Cloning had already been accomplished in tadpoles and by using embryonic cells, but science dogma held that once a cell had grown up and become specialized ??" by turning into a skin cell, a hair follicle or a breast cell, for instance ??" its DNA was through. There was no way to get that DNA to switch on again and act like an embryo.

What intrigued scientists about Dolly had little to do with what captivated the rest of humanity. The main preoccupation of religious, philosophical and social commentators 10 years ago was how rapidly Dolly would be followed by the creation of a human clone who would destroy the world.?�

So, where are these clone armies?
In the weeks following Dolly??�s announcement, mainstream media reports were full of irresponsible speculations by all sorts of experts and authorities on what Dolly??�s birth meant for you and me. Jeff Haynes / AFP/Getty Images fileDr. Richard Seed was the?�first in a colorful line of scientists to propose cloning humans.Some worried that cloning would lead fiendish dictators to create armies of clones bred for war. Others fussed that the rich and egomaniacal would seek to create clones of themselves so they could live forever. Still othernesss warned that clones would serve as mobile spare-parts farms. Need a liver or a kidney? Just carve out your clone??�s and off you go, good as new. And what about cloners resurrecting the dead from bits of DNA found at museums, graveyards and churches?

All this nutty speculation led to a worldwide panic about biological engineering as seen before only in Hollywood films from the 1950s such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Presidents, popes and potentates across the globe went bonkers warning us against human cloning. Laws forbidding human cloning ??" which were premature at best, since the chances of producing a human clone hard on the heels of Dolly??�s birth were, as I tried to point out at the time, next to nothing ??" were proposed left and right.

Then it got truly scary. Because that's when the cavalcade of cloning kooks came out.

Bring in the clowns
The parade was led by the felicitously named Richard Seed, a physicist who announced in December 1997 that he intended to clone the first human being. Anchors and talking heads everywhere granted Seed a worldwide platform to babble on about his plan to use cloning to bring humans closer to God.?�

Seed was soon followed in his "I will clone and you cannot stop me" mania by Kentucky fertility expert Panayiotis Zavos and maverick Italian fertility doctor Severino Antinori, best known for helping a 62-year-old woman become pregnant. For a time these two teamed up and proposed setting up a cloning operation on a boat in international waters.David Silverman / Getty Images fileDr. Brigitte Boisselier, Raelian?�bishop and Clonaid CEO, displays her company's?�embryonic cell fusion system?�during a press conference?�in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2003.

These characters did their best to convince the world that they held the bottle in which the genie of cloning resided. The media and politicians lapped it up. But this gaggle of kooks paled in comparison to the arrival of the group forever linked in the minds of the world with human cloning: the Raelians.

The Raelians, a religious cult that believes extraterrestrials used genetic engineering to create life on Earth, secured a worldwide audience with their cloning threats.

In 2002, Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, a college chemistry professor, Raelian bishop and CEO of the sci-fi start-up Clonaid, along with Rael, the founder of the Raelians and a former French pop singer and race-car aficianado, announced to an aghast world press that Clonaid had successfully cloned a human being. Boisselier said that the motherness delivered by Caesarean section somewhere outside the United States, and declared that both the motherness and the little girl, Eve, were healthy.

Despite loads of fanfare and claims of a slew of additional clones, no DNA proof was ever offered up.

Click for related contentVote: What do you think of cloning now?  Discuss: Share thoughts on cloningDolly on the dinner table? Promise of pregnancy?�raises what-ifs More Breaking Bioethics columns

Why anyone would think that a chemist with a bad hair-dye job and a cult leader parading around in a Starfleet uniform had the scientific know-how and skills required for human cloning was not apparent.?� However, these two took over the airwaves for weeks. They also appeared as witnesses agsdhfgdfifying about cloning in the U.S. Congress and before the National Academy of Sciences!?�

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